Job Type:University / College


Fields of Education: Clinical pharmacy/pharmacology/Medical Laboratory Technology or equivalent/Specialty certificate pediatrics/ and others


Organization: Addis ababa unversity Health sciences


Salary : as per both Higher education and Health professional salary scale.




Application Dead line:2016-10-20


Addis ababa unversity Health sciences wants sciences wants to hire, on contract basis, competent in the following job “position. Therefore, you are kindly requested to apply, if you qualify, as per the produce mentioned below.


Job title

Qualification & required skills

Minimum work experience and skills required

Work place

Required Number


General practitioner (GP)

General practitioner (CGPA 2.75 & above)

Zero years willing to be trained in ENT

Department of ENT, school of Medicine

Five (5)


Lecture & Above

MSC in Clinical pharmacy from Recognized University (CGPA 3.25 & above); Bpharm or Equivalent (CGPA 2.75 & Above)

Zero years

Department of pharmacology and clinical pharmacy, school of pharmacy

Four (4)



PhD in pharmacology

Thirteen years teaching experience

Department of pharmacology school of Medicine



Technical Assistant

BSc in Medical Laboratory Technology or equivalent

Two years BSc (CGPA 2.75 and above)

Department of pharmacology school of Medicine

Two (2)


Assistant Professor & above

Specialty certificate pediatrics

Zero years, willing to subspecialize in pediatric oncology Hematology

Department of pediatrics & child Health school of Medicine

Two (2)


Assistant professor & above

Specialty certificate pediatrics

Zero years, willing to subspecialize in pediatric Neurology

Department of pediatrics & child Health school of Medicine

Two (2)


Assistant Professor & Above

Specialty certificate pediatrics

Zero years willing to sub specialize in pediatric cardiology

Department of pediatrics & child Health, school of Medicinal

Two (2)


Assistant professor & above

Specialty certificate pediatrics

Zero years, willing to sub specialize in pediatric Neonatology

Department of pediatrics & child Health, school of Medicine

Two (2)


Assistant professor & above

Specialty certificate pediatrics

Zero years, willing to sub specialize in pediatric Endocrinology

Department of pediatrics & child Health, school of Medicine

One (1)


Assistant professor & above

Specialty certificate pediatrics

Zero years, willing to sub specialize in pediatric infectious Disease

Department of pediatrics & child Health, school of Medicine

One (1)


Assistant professor & above

Specialty certificate pediatrics

Zero years, willing to sub specialize in pediatric Rheumatology

Department of pediatrics & child Health, school of Medicine

One (1)


Assistant professor & above

Specialty certificate pediatrics

Zero years, willing to sub specialize in pediatric Nephrology

Department of pediatrics & child Health, school of Medicine

One (1)


Assistant professor & above

Specialty certificate pediatrics

Zero years, willing to sub specialize in pediatric Pulmonology

Department of pediatrics & child Health, school of Medicine

One (1)


Assistant professor & above

Specialty certificate pediatrics

Zero years, willing to sub specialize in pediatric Emergency & critical care

Department of pediatrics & child Health, school of Medicine

Two (2)



MSc in Anesthesia from Recongnized University (CGPA 3.00 & above); BSc in Anesthesia or Equivalent with CGPA 2.75 & above )

Zero years

Department of Anesthesia, school of Medicine

Four (4)







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