

Type: Services


Organization: Ethio telecom

Dead Line: 2016-06-21


Tender Detail:


Ethio telecom invites all intersted and eligible bidders by this national competitive Bid(NCB)  For the producurement of ‘’constraction of Emergency Exis at Bahirdar & Lege- har’’ Tender No.(RFQ No.3426003-3) The Tender remains floaing from June 01,2016 to June 21,2016.

Bid Document can be obtaind from ethio telecom’s Head office, Room No. 201 during office hours(Monday to Friday)  Upon payment of a non- refundable fee of Birr 100.00 (Birr one Hundred only)

1.Interseted eligible bidders may obtain further infomation from ethio telecom website and inspection the  bidding  document upon payment of anon-refundable fee of Birr 100.00(birr one hundred only) in person   from head quarter, 2nd floor, and Room  No.201 during Office  hour (Monday to Friday).

2.sealed bids marked as: ‘’constraction of Emergence Exist at Bahirdar and leghar’’ (RFQ 3426003-3) and be addressed to

Ethio telecom

Head quarter

churchill Road

sourching  and facilities Division

2nd floor, Room  No.214

P.O.Box 1047,Addis Abeba,Ethiopia

3.Bid proposal will be recived at the churchill Road, Head quarter  2nd floor, Room No.214, before or on June 21,2016 until 5:00 P.M  Bids presented by any bidder after the closing date shall not be accepted.

4.Bids received  in the time and fulfilling the other formalities shall beopend in the presence of interested bidders or their legal representative s at 10:00 A.M On June  22,2016 at Churchill Road, Head quarter 2nd  floor,Room No.213.

5.Ethio telecom reserves the right to reject any time all or parts of this bid.

6.Bidders are seriously advised to  read and comply with the instruction proinvided  in this bidding document.

7.partial bid is not allowed.

www.ethiotelecom .et